
  • Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023)

    The publication of this volume was delayed due to the updating of our OJS (Open Journal Systems) and a hacking incident that disrupted the standard editorial process. In this second volume of 2023, we have selected and published six research articles. All articles are written in Indonesian.

  • Vol. 16 No. 1 (2023)

    The publication of this volume has been delayed due to a hacking incident that disrupted our editorial process through the OJS system from August to October 2023. In this volume, we have commenced accepting and publishing manuscripts in both Indonesian and English. Additionally, we have updated the journal cover to align with the publisher's branding.

  • Vol. 15 No. 2 (2022)

    Jurnal Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan Volume 15 No. 2, 2022 consists of 6 (six) articles with the theme of education policy. The first article is written by Dina Rahma Fadlilah and Yanti Herlanti about a review of Biology learning at senior high schools and Madrasah Aliyah in Jabodetabek based on the Process Standard. The second article is written by Febby Fraharyani, et. al., titled The Relevance of UNJ Building Engineering Education Curriculum to the Competency of Building Design and Information Modeling in Vocational High Schools. The third article written by Goldy Dharmawan and Wisnu Harto Adi analyses the vocational schools role amidst the developing labor market in Indonesia. The fourth article is written by Zainul Mustofa titled Information Literacy: Essential Abilities in the 21st Century and Mapping It in Schools to Prepare for National Assessment. The next article written by Simon Sili Sabon discusses the problems of honorary teachers’ management in primary education. The last article is written by Yeni Mulati regarding parents’ role in preventing children’ deviant behavior through character education and also optimizing children’s potentials.

    The publication of the second edition in 2022 was delayed from December 2022 to February 2023, due to several complications encountered. First, changes in nomenclature as well as the duties, principles, and functions of the work unit also caused changes in the journal management team, both the editorial team and the technical support team, including the journal's web page (OJS) developer. Second, there were also changes in both the internal and external reviewer team. Thus, articles had to undergo new review process with new reviewers. As a result, with adjustments and changes in nomenclature, management, and editorial teams, the selection process to journal publication, which is usually started at the beginning of the fiscal year in February or March, had to be delayed until May.

  • Vol. 15 No. 1 (2022)

    Jurnal Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan Volume 15 No. 1 (2022) memuat 6 (enam) artikel dengan tema kebijakan pendidikan. Artikel pertama ditulis oleh Estuti Rochimah, dkk. tentang Keefektifan Kegiatan Kolaboratif Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) pada Skema Mengajar di Satuan Pendidikan. Artikel kedua ditulis oleh Harpiana Rahman, dkk. tentang Pemanfaatan Dongeng Let’s Read sebagai Media Pendidikan Kesehatan Dini di Sekolah Dasar. Artikel ketiga yang ditulis oleh Herman Hendrik memaparkan tentang Peran Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dalam Pengelolaan Keragaman di Sekolah. Artikel keempat ditulis oleh Parwanto tentang Pengaruh Manajemen Dana, Kualitas Pelayanan Dinas Pendidikan, dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Keefektifan Sekolah. Artikel kelima yang ditulis oleh Sudiyono dan Relisa mengkaji tentang Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Keterserapan Lulusan SMK ke Dunia Kerja. Artikel terakhir ditulis oleh Dina Rahma Fadlilah dan Yanti Herlanti tentang Implementasi Standar Proses Kurikulum 2013 pada Pembelajaran Biologi SMA/MA Se-Jabodetabek.

    Penerbitan edisi pertama tahun 2022 ini mengalami keterlambatan dari yang seharusnya bulan Agustus menjadi bulan Desember. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya beberapa kendala yang dihadapi. Pertama, perubahan nomenklatur serta tugas, pokok, dan fungsi unit kerja menyebabkan juga perubahan tim pengelola jurnal baik tim editorial maupun tim pendukung teknis, termasuk pengembang laman web (OJS) jurnal. Kedua, tim reviewer baik internal maupun eksternal juga mengalami perubahan, sehingga artikel harus diproses ulang dari awal dengan reviewer yang baru. Ketiga, dengan penyesuaian dan perubahan nomenklatur, manajemen, dan tim pengelola, proses seleksi hingga penerbitan jurnal yang biasanya dapat dimulai dari awal tahun anggaran di bulan Februari atau Maret, harus tertunda hingga baru dapat dimulai di bulan Mei.